Male Plumber's Hand Repairing Sink Pipe Leakage With Adjustable Wrench
Bathroom Leakage Solutions
There are a number of bathroom leakage solutions available to homeowners. While many leaks are easily detectable, others are not so easy to spot. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways to deal with this problem. You should always check for water standing around the frame of your tub or shower doors after you’ve finished taking a shower to ensure that the door does not leak. Then, be sure to close the door properly and add a splash guard to prevent water from seeping under the frame.
Some of the most common causes of bathroom leaks are aged water pipes or damaged walls. Metal pipes can corrode and rust over time. Damaged pipe walls can lead to a pipe burst. You should also watch out for hidden pipes, which may not cause an immediate leak, but can do extensive damage before you realize it. Always call a plumber to help you resolve a leak if you suspect it is serious enough to affect your bathroom’s aesthetics or safety.
Another cause of bathroom leaks is a damaged grout. If the grout is ripped or cracked, it will eventually cause water to seep through the wall and cause a significant amount of damage. Changing the grout will also prevent further water from seeping into the bathroom. Additionally, bathroom leaks may lead to mildew and mold. Fortunately, the best bathroom leakage solutions include a combination of both. If your bathroom leaks because of a broken tile, it is best to replace the tile, caulk, and backing.
If you are unable to inspect the underside of your drain, you can create a small puddle around the drain. Once the puddle shrinks, the leak may be inside the stopper. To test a drain, you can purchase a 1-1/2-in. test plugs at home centers. If you can’t find one of these, then call a plumber. He will examine your bathroom drain for leaks.
Alternatively, you can try coating your bathroom’s sewerage pipes with a chemical to fill up the gaps and reduce blockage. This method will prevent future leaks by preventing water from penetrating the joints between the pipe and the wall. The solution should last at least four years. You can also call in a plumber if you aren’t sure how to do it yourself. Most plumbers will be able to complete the work quickly, and it’s usually free of cost.
Another simple way to deal with bathroom leakage is to replace worn-out grout and caulk. Replace the caulk around the tub if it shows signs of wear. These measures can help you minimize the expense of the repairs, and your homeowners insurance may cover the damage. The sooner you fix the problem, the less likely it is to cause further damage. But it’s always best to avoid any unnecessary repairs. If the leak has already caused damage to your bathroom, you may be able to get reimbursed under your homeowners insurance policy.