How to Get Started in Garden Pond Making
When you’re planning a garden pond, there are some important things to consider before you start digging. If you live in a large property, you’ll probably want to check with your local electric company or gas company to mark any underground utilities. There are also local regulations and protected watersheds that you’ll need to be aware of. Be careful not to disturb trees or plants if possible, as the roots can be damaged if you dig near them.
Choosing the right size for your garden pond is crucial. A large pond will have fewer problems with algae and bacterial contamination, and it will attract more birds and other wildlife. A large pond can also be more visually attractive. Many pond designs have an aquatic plant shelf, which is usually offset 30cm from the overall line. The deeper the pond is, the easier it is to maintain. And a garden pond can enhance bio-diversity, as all animals need water to survive.
Alternatively, a preformed garden pond can be dropped into the ground. These need some customization, but they’re generally inexpensive and can be completed in an afternoon. You can also consider building an outdoor fountain to enhance the beauty of your garden. You can even build a paver fountain if you’re handy with tools. It’s a great project for a weekend. For a more elaborate garden pond, consider contacting a professional who can design a water feature for you.
When digging the hole, be sure to dig out a slightly sloping surface. The soil should be a minimum of 3 inches deep and should slope towards the sump hole. The bottom layer of the pond should also be lined with damp sand or 5cm thick. Using a spirit-level to make sure it’s level is another good idea. And don’t forget to set a spot for the pump.
The height of your garden pond’s water should be as high as the lowest point of the perimeter. Ideally, the water level in your pond should be the same all around. But there’s no such thing as an exact height. You’ll probably have to settle for an inch or two below your desired level. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be ready to add plants or flowers. Your garden pond will look beautiful and will bring you a lot of joy.
Before you begin building, you need to choose a suitable liner. It should be at least 5 m long and 4 m wide. Depending on your budget, you may use newspaper, an old carpet, or sand. You can also buy a liner from your local supply. Then, measure the depth and width of your pond. You’ll need a little extra width and depth to pump water to the waterfall. Then, add a foot to allow for fitting.
Once you’ve selected the liner, make sure you mark it with sand or spray paint. You can also get free underlayment from a carpet installer by contacting them. You’ll need to remove any staples to make sure the liner is properly supported in the ground. The liner should be at least half the depth of the marginal shelf. Once this is done, the side slopes towards the center of the pond.