Roof Color Selection
While you may be in the midst of roof color selection, it is also important to consider your neighborhood’s color scheme. While black and gray may be considered trendy colors in a city, a more traditional neighborhood may opt for a more earthy tone or freestyle color. Similarly, a home situated in a suburban neighborhood with plenty of trees would look best with a green/brown blend or deep forest green shingles.
Depending on your home’s architectural style, the colors of the shingles and the roof may need to be custom made. Choosing a color that is close to the color of your exterior walls will give your house a cohesive look, whereas choosing a color that’s completely unmatched will end up looking too jarring. To avoid this pitfall, consider looking at the roofs of similar-styled houses to get inspiration.
In the United States, the colors of homes vary based on the region. Northern sunlight casts a cool tone on homes. People in New England and the Pacific Northwest may opt for a gray or blue color scheme. On the other hand, people in the Southwest and Southeast may prefer a warmer, more vibrant color scheme. In the Southern region, light-colored roofs may prove useful in the summer as they help prevent the growth of blue-green algae on the surface of the roof.
While choosing a roof color, consider the climate. A lighter colored roof will reflect less sunlight away from the home, so darker colors may not be as attractive. But if you live in a climate with a lot of trees, a dark color might be an option. The darker the color of the roof, the more heat it will hold, and you will need to make sure that you have adequate attic ventilation. In either case, choose a roof color that will complement the weather conditions of your location.
The color of your house should also play a role in your choice of roof color. If the colors of your house are blue or gray, black or gray shingles would go well with them. However, if you live in a house with a yellow or white color, you might want to opt for a black or brown roof to make the overall look contrasting. Likewise, brown and black roof materials would look good on a brick house. Brown and red shingles also look great on houses with natural siding.
Colors of shingles come in a wide range of hues. There are even certain shingle colors that complement wooden houses. Black and brown are excellent choices, while slate blues and gray-greens are complementary to the color of wooden homes. Remember that color has a strong psychological impact on people, so choose wisely. And remember, the best colors for your home may not be available in your area. So, be sure to check local colors and shade options before making a final decision.